Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Explanation for my Absence

  • Three people I know were affected by deaths last week. I've been depressed
  • My little brother, light of my life, is moving to Florida next week and we'll be apart for two months
  • My friend (A) went through a tough time medically.
  • My best friend went through a coming of age situation, something every woman goes through usually, and the guy turned out to be an ass afterwards which devastated me. (This story has a happy ending though :) )
  • My other friend (B) is going through a tough time with her boyfriend...I am sooo close to going over there and kicking his arse. No woman should be treated that way. No human, really.
  • I sprained my ankle
  • My abusive ex stepfather is begging to be let into the family again. If he comes back I swear on a stack of bibles I will leave and never look back. 12 years of his shit was enough
  • The move to Florida is getting more worse with each passing day and I'm so frustrated

And there's more but some of it concerns other people that I know would not want me to mention their stuff on here. So that's it in a nutshell. No crocheting going on whatsoever in the past week or so. August has to be better. It HAS to be.

Since when is being 19 so hard? I should be out dancing with drag queens or something. Sheesh. Sooooooooooo I shall be back @ Cville in due time. And the SP package was sent out today, thank god! Sorry I am horribly late, dear.

I'm off to do some yoga. It's the only thing saving my mind lately.


Unknown said...

If you need to vent just send me an email hun.
Take Care!

"Its not the load that breaks you down, its the way you carry it."- Lou Holtz

*hugs* Kari

Deneen said...

Oh Jessica....I am so sorry things happen to suck big time at this moment, this will eventually does bite waiting.

Sorry age 19 has been rough. Unfortunately, you will look back and realize certain "ages" were shitty.

I hope things look up soon, email me if you need a vent!

Micky said...

It will be better.
Be well.

Micky said...

Well I just made a new button tonight. It is way better if you want to use it instead of the old one. If I had only known earlier you would link me, then I would have made it quicker.

Lynlee said...

I just wanted to say that I hope things have settled down and that you are doing okay.


Daisy said...

I'm catching up on reading blogs this afternoon...I posted to your thread at crochetville earlier, but since I saw just now that you hurt your ankle I thought I'd pass these on:
Both give exercises for rehabilitating your ankle after a sprain. One of my ankles tends to get re-injured really easily since I've hurt it so many times, and I sprained it again last month. I've been doing the exercises shown at that first link, and it's starting to feel stronger. I need to get my hubby to nail some scrap wood together for me to make a balance board like the rocker board in the second link (or just do it myself LOL but he likes to putter around in the garage). It sounds really helpful for getting strength back so it doesn't get hurt easily again.

Micky said...

Hope everything is going ok with you.
Take care of you.