I'm not sure how long I'll keep this up but I decided I should share some of my favourite music with my readers. I'll try to post a song and/or video each week. You can find them all by clicking on the "SOTW" label.
If you don't like one week's track, don't write me off; my tastes in music vary greatly. So give these songs a whirl.
This week's pick is: Boy With A Coin by Iron & Wine.
A live, acoustic version:
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Song of the Week
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7:54 PM
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ketchup Catchup
My birthday was relatively uneventful. We had already celebrated the weekend beforehand at the bowling alley. Still, my family decided two cakes were in order so i went through the whole song and cake routine again on my actual birthday. Hey, it was chocolate ice cream cake; I'm not complaining!
In other news, I finally got my hands on a copy of The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. If you didn't know, Wally Lamb is my favourite author. He brings such unbelievable depth to his characters...sigh. Anyhoosen, the library was holding the book for me but I was 86 out of 90. In other words, there was about a four month wait. Thankfully, one of my friends bought it for herself and let me borrow it. I've read the first chapter but I'm waiting to read it until I can really devote a day to it (because I just know I'll finish it in a day).
I did manage to pick up Creepy Cute Crochet and Amigurumi World at the library. I've been meaning to get my hands on these for a while so I'm excited to start some projects from them. I already promised my cousin a little bunny pal. Speaking of pals, I've been working on another Moogie.
After I started putting her together, however, I decided the stitches were too open for my liking. She'll get a run through the washer and felt a bit before I put her together.
I suppose that's all the news fit to print today.
♥ Jess
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7:37 PM
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The Confetti Scarf Strikes Again
I cannot take good pictures of scarves. I just can't. Maybe it's because I never seem to be able to fine a living breathing model for them. Maybe it's because my photography skills are severely lacking. Maybe it's because my scarves are just weird. Well, whatever the reason, I finally got a picture of Confetti that shows off it's details.
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4:50 PM
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Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy Birthday To Me!
I'm 23 today. Holy hell.
♥ Jess
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11:15 AM
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I. Love. Bowling.
It's hard to believe, but I had never been bowling until last weekend. Yes, I know. I know. Many of my friends thought I was just kidding. No no, I never bowled although I always wanted to. Imagine my excitement when my aunt suggested we go for my birthday! So last weekend my aunt, uncle, their daughter, mom, Kyle, and I all set out to a local alley to celebrate.
Note: Please note my birthday is actually this weekend, on the 24th. None of you missed it. :p
It was INCREDIBLE. If I had known I would have fallen in love with a sport, I would have gone so much sooner. And not only did I have fun, but I WON. Turns out I'm pretty good at rolling balls (minds out of gutter, thank you). I guess I have a special kind of move though because everyone took a turn mimicking the way I throw the ball. Funny thing is, my uncle got a strike out of it!!
Okay, so the rails helped him with that strike. We still found it hilarious. Next weekend we're all going back and this time, no rails. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion I'll be bowling quite often so I'm even giving it it's own label. I might even start playing wii bowling.
I bet you I'm going to win. :D
Until next time,
<3 Jess
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2:19 PM
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Friday, January 16, 2009
Abrigo Shawl
Kyle is modeling the back of it in this picture. I'm unsure of whether I should bother to post the pattern but I think I will sometime next month.
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8:33 PM
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Tropical Chicken Strew
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4:22 PM
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Imagination in the City
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4:20 PM
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Monday, January 05, 2009
Ode to My Large Stockpot
for ten (or twelve)
in an 8 quart pot.
I chopped
and I sized,
and I kept the simmer low.
The stew still felt the need
to boil over
and meet the stovetop.
I will never not use my 16 quart pot
when I think about making soup
for ten (or twelve).
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5:26 PM
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Friday, January 02, 2009
Of Resolutions and Goodbyes
Happy New Year! Here's hoping 2009 is as wonderful as I think it will.
I'm not really making a resolution. I try to stumble through one for the first month of every year and that gets old fast. Instead I'm just going to try and focus on myself in 2009. My goals, my dreams, that sort of thing. Let's see how long that lasts. :)
Not much happened this Christmas. I gave some really cool presents, I got some really cool presents. I'm the proud owner of Nightmare Before Christmas, the special edition DVD. Since that's my favourite movie (ever) I'm quite the happy camper. And dinner was fantastic, if I do say so myself.
I have quite a few pictures to upload but I can't seem to find my camera at the moment. Once I do, I'll be sure to share.
Happy 2009!
<3 Jess
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6:13 AM
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