Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Games and Resolutions

I kicked Kyle's butt in Othello recently. It was my first time playing and, while I'm sure it was just beginner's luck, I had fun boasting about how wise older sisters can be and how I was the master of all games.

I truly do love games. I don't post about them much (or ever, perhaps) and I wouldn't call myself a "gamer" but I definitely enjoy playing them. I just got back into Starcraft after beating the game years ago.

It's a bit old (1999, I want to say) but I think it is one of the best computer games ever made. I go into each mission planning to win and achieve my goals and in that way, gaming is a lot like resolutions, don't you think?

I'm always making those; every year I sit down and sort through the mental list and figure out which one is worth tackling. The thing is I'm never specific enough. So this year I'm making mine a bit more detailed and yet simpler at the same time. I'm going to post a little reminder note and try my best to at least get halfway there by June. In no particular order, here are the things I want to accomplish by December 31st 2008:

Finish at least six video games this year (that I already have). Again, I tend to lose interest in everything after a while so I find it hard to finish games...which sucks since I pay for them.

Knit or crochet at least ten things. I'd like for them to be things I've already started too since I am prone to starting projects I never finish.

Eat at least half the recommended serving of fruits and veggies a day. Make one of those servings as close to the whole product as possible.

There you go. That's pretty much it! Those are my big resolutions. There are a whole bunch of smaller ones but these are the ones that have been bothering me for a while. Here's to happy 2008!

Until next time,
<3 Jess

1 comment:

Bakin Rapscallion said...

Here's to a good showing in both categories.

There should be a game "Resolutions".