Wednesday, October 26, 2005

UnNamed Scarf (WIP)

This is a very bad scan of this new WIP but it looks really beautiful in person. It doesn't look even in the scan but it is.
My mom has already sworn to steal this one from me hehehe.
Someone sent me this chenille yarn (THANK YOU!) and I got it last night. I couldn't wait to start something with it and so I did. I'm about 20 rows in now. Yes, I'm addicted to yarn.

Pictures of my almost completed shawl coming soon as well.

Friday, October 21, 2005


The Mabel Scarf
Made from that nifty yarn I dyed a few months ago and sz 15 needles. This is my first knitting project in a while.

More pics coming later on today.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

I'm alive, I'm a mess

Weeeeeeee! Hello!

I know I never got a chance to email you guys individually but to all the bloggers and C-Villers that worried about me and tried to help in any way possible, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really appreciate it!!!

The ER/hospital was grand. Anemia sucks, people. Don't ever get it. I have to take 7 pills a day and if that doesn't work, hello blood transfusion. :(

The move is moving along quite nicely. The house has been appraised to value much more than we're paying for it so I dare say we got ourselves quite a deal.

My mother is also getting much better...well she was. Her worry over me and the stress of the house has gotten to her, methinks. But she's okay and so is my little brother.

And now for fibre related news:

I have FINALLY crocheted something. It's been about a month or two since I picked up my hooks and let me tell you, that first half hour hurt. It's almost as if a part of my body was exercising for the first time in years. Of course, once the ol' wrist got used to it, I was good to go and made a scarf...and another...and a bag...and I'm knitting a scarf...

And guess who finally caught on to the scrapbooking craze? :p

It's odd, I cannot craft while I'm depressed, but I can write. Just go look at my writing blog if you don't believe me. Weird.

In any case I will post up pictures in about an hour, swing by Crochetville, and prolly blast off a few comments on some blogs I've missed.

<3 Jess

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Explanation for my Absence

  • Three people I know were affected by deaths last week. I've been depressed
  • My little brother, light of my life, is moving to Florida next week and we'll be apart for two months
  • My friend (A) went through a tough time medically.
  • My best friend went through a coming of age situation, something every woman goes through usually, and the guy turned out to be an ass afterwards which devastated me. (This story has a happy ending though :) )
  • My other friend (B) is going through a tough time with her boyfriend...I am sooo close to going over there and kicking his arse. No woman should be treated that way. No human, really.
  • I sprained my ankle
  • My abusive ex stepfather is begging to be let into the family again. If he comes back I swear on a stack of bibles I will leave and never look back. 12 years of his shit was enough
  • The move to Florida is getting more worse with each passing day and I'm so frustrated

And there's more but some of it concerns other people that I know would not want me to mention their stuff on here. So that's it in a nutshell. No crocheting going on whatsoever in the past week or so. August has to be better. It HAS to be.

Since when is being 19 so hard? I should be out dancing with drag queens or something. Sheesh. Sooooooooooo I shall be back @ Cville in due time. And the SP package was sent out today, thank god! Sorry I am horribly late, dear.

I'm off to do some yoga. It's the only thing saving my mind lately.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

WIP - Pineapple Doily

WIP- Pineapple Doily

There are about 12 mistakes in this. Seriously. BUT I am still proud of myself. This was my first thread anything and it isn't done but at least it's somewhat consistent. And it feels...stable I guess. I dunno whether to cut off the thread and start over or continue it. What do you guys think? Oh and:
Vibe Cozy II

Yeah I finished that too. :) it isn't blocked or anything so it looks wonky. I'll finish it today I think.

Get it in gear!

Okay, no more mopey dopey Jess. I need to get my bum in gear and get busy!

  • I need to send out my reveal package for Summer Secret Pals (I'm late, I know!!!).
  • Start Soli's scarf
  • Finish up 2 doilies
  • Scan 5 projects to show off here
  • Locate where I put my I, K and 7 hooks
  • Finish up the last few rows of Seraphina.

Also THANK YOU LAURA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laura V was my Secret Pal and she got me such wonderful things. Her reveal envelope was a gift certificate to Purl! EEEEEE! I could never afford anything from them before hahaha. I can't wait to go and browse and see what I'm going to buy. Maybe some Noro. I've wanted Noro for ages. *content sigh*

On the more personal front I was depressed because A) My little brother is going to Florida before the family so he can start school and B) My friends are having hard times right now and C) I'm going through a lonely/hard relationship thing myself and it sucks. BUT everything's working out. Our loan went through, we have three houses that are strong possibilities, Kyle is excited about starting school, my friends worked out their stuff and I've realized that 19 is too young to seriously worry about love. :p

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Not much crocheting. I've been sad. I feel empty and devoid of much. Well that's not true. I'm full of love. Is that what this is? Maybe.

Maybe I'm falling in love

Curse this broken heart of mine. More crocheting to come on Thursday. I'm working on a doily I want to show. There are soo many mistakes! Ahh well. Live and learn.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

WIP- Vibe Cozy

WIP- Vibe Cozy

Yep I am making yet another one. This one is in Persipine and will be fulled/felted when it's done. This one will be small though since it's for a mini-vibe. Hahaha mini-vibe. I love saying that.

Also, for any of you that read it, I updated my writing blog. It's been forever and a day, I know. I apologize. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Scrap Yarn Eyeglass Case

Scrap Yarn Eyeglass Case

I made this a while ago out of scrap yarn and all those damn swatches you gotta make. It's just a whole lot of strips stitched together. It's double thick and padded. My glasses haven't broken even after throwing them in my bottomless pit (AKA my messenger bag) with books, cds, chopsticks and everything else I throw in there.

Monday, July 04, 2005

New Dyed Yarn




All three are Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool in Natural and dyed with Kool Aid. Persipine is the largest at just over 200 yards.

Mabel and Cameron didn't photograph very well (the sun changed direction on me). Mabel is shades of red, melon and pink while Cameron is bright yellow and green. Persipine is whole damn rainbow of pastel. I had a lot of fun dyeing and a HUGE shout out goes to my SP who got me all the kool aid, the yarn and the basters that made this project possible. Thank you!!

Obviously I haven't wound up Cameron and Mabel. I have no idea what to do with any of the yarn. My mother said I should just sell it haha. Any ideas on what projects to tackle with them?

Ps: Happy Fourth of July!!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Vibrator Cozy

The Vibe Cozy

There it is in all its glory!! This is a very crappy picture of it though. Ahh well at least now you have proof they exist! It's 1 1/2 inches in diameter, 4 3/4 inches long. You can't see it well in this pic but the The tip is slighter wider because uh...well I'm sure you all know the male anatomy well. I have two of these made with Skacel Sizzle, one on Bernat Harmony and another in a lighter weight green yarn. Groovy,

Oh and also, SP, I just emailed you saying I didn't get your package but apparently when you speak of the devil he comes knocking on the door wearing a USPS uniform. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I got two (huuuuuuuge) skeins of Fisherman's wool and lots and lots and looooooooooooots of kool aid. And the best part: Basters!! Um is that what their called? Yeah those things! YAY! I can do colour changes much more easily. Now I won't make such huge messes when I dye. Thanks again Sp! *huggles*

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Ugh! Damn Camera

So I finally took pictures of everything. In fact, I'm in such a good mood today I even made two more vibe cozies while watching Dawson's Creek reruns. I did two rows of my shawl too. And what happens? My camera dies. Oh oh but that's not all. I could at least scan in the vibe cozy flat, right? Nope, that died too. Sigh. I think the electrical devices in my home are plotting against me. And it's way too hot to find the turtle, move her to safe spot so I don't hurt her while moving the desk, drag the antique desk forward to check connections and everything and then fiddle around with wires. Without AC? In this heat? With my asthma? Pfft. The pictures can wait. I will be more of a tease and say:

  • The cozies look beautiful...well, as beautiful as a cozy for a vibrator can look haha
  • The shawl is coming out very nicely. It's teal and man, I love teal
  • I lost not one, but BOTH of my I/9 hooks which means serefina is on hold. Arg. The puppies must have the hooks.
  • I dyed the Chez Spun Deenen sent me. It's a gorgeous pink/melon/purple mix. Sigh. I love Kool-Aid.
Oh and I can finally spill the secret project for my online store thingy....*drum roll* Dust bunnies. Yep, I am crocheting furry little dust bunnies. They're all modeled after real breeds of rabbit, have fun names, distinct looks (there's a punk dust bunny, for example) and they all come in a mock vaccum bag adorned with my stores logo. The mock vacuum bags are sewed from muslin. Cute, right???? Ugh, I was so looking forward to sharing too. Damn camera.

Well here's hoping that tonight it gets cooler and I can post all this fun stuff. Oh and for anyone that reads my zine, issue number four is almost done. I'll be selling that on the site too.'Tis all.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I am in a horrible horrible depressed funk. Ugh.

Pictures have been taken and stuff so new stuff will be posted. I just need to shake this case of the blues off.

Ugh. Double ugh.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Thank you, KnittyKim!

I got RAOKed! YAY!! I nearly tackled the, I obviously love getting mail. Have I mentioned that here? Well I do. In this wonderful package I found:

  • 3 adagio loose teas: Dragonwell, Li Si Nutcracker and Eroica Caravan (Lapsang Souchong)
  • 1 skein of DMC thread in white
  • 2 skeins of tan/brownish thread from Turkey. Oh it's NICE!!!!!
*huggles* Thank you so much for the gift!! I can't wait. I have been crocheting up a storm. I have many projects to post and write about!

About that, by the way, I forgot to mention that I have not been home in 2-3 weeks which is why I've been slow on the actual showing of crafts. BUT I go home tomorrow so there's going to be a huge picture post in a few days including, yes that's right, the elusive vibe cozies. Yep, I've made more. So pay attention to my blog this weekend. A lot of fun stuff will be shown including the Chez Spun Deneen got me in it's newly dyed form. :D

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Cozy Bag

The Cozy Bag

Why yes, this is a tease. :D This is the bag that matches the Vibe Cozy everyone is always asking about. Toy goes in cozy & contraceptives, etc go in this one. See, safe sex can be awesome AND stylish.

The vibe cozy will be put up next week. Because I DO have to make you guys suffer and wait for it.
ETA: This is Skacel Sizzle in "Orange." Yum.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Gracias Deneen!!

I went to Big Grey expecting a package and frowned with dismay that none was there. Then, 20 minutes later the mailman knocked on my door. The package was too big for Big Grey! I snatched it up, said thank you and opened it right there in front of the door. OH WHAT A TREAT!!

I got some gorgeous roving, wool yarn, a set of crystalite hooks, a steel crochet hook and a card. Hehe don't worry Deneen. That vibe cozy is coming soon. Hehehehe. Thanks again!!!!! It means a lot to me and I can't wait to use it all up. This has been a wonderful month. I am so happy I found crochetville. People there are so's been a long time since I felt like I belonged somewhere. It's an awesome feeling.

I need batteries for my cam but once I get them, man I have a LOT of thing to show here. :D

Sunday, June 12, 2005

New Email Addy

AOL sucks and no one should pay 22.50 for dialup. anyway. With that said, update your email address books. My new address is:

Ahhh, so satisfying.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Thanks Deneen!

I keep forgetting to say a big thank you to Deneen for sending me info on how to set the twist in my newly spun yarn. I tried out the methods on a super bulky I made and it worked like a charm! YAY! So gracias Deneen!

I'll post pics of the new yarn, as well as the others I've made, after I scan them in. :)

I'm still around

Not much to report other than the fact that I am working on some stuff. I also have an exciting new (tiny) project in the works and am sooooooo excited. My store will also be going up this summer. [sob story] My mom's a single mom currently trying to buy her first house and move the whole family, including my grandparents and my 11 rescue animals, out of the South Bronx ghetto slum and into a good neighbourhood. [/sob story] Anyway, extra income, however small, would be nice so i figure I can make small change from selling patterns and stuff. I have some really cute things I'm working on to sell. Eeep! I love crafting.

I started working with thread today! Let's see how it turns out hehehe.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

You Spin, I Spun

Mellow Yellow yarn

Spinning is so much fun! I think I'm getting better. I'm still inconsistent but I think it looks okay. I can't wait to ply it and use it. The only thing is, I dunno how to get the twist to set. Spin It! says to steam it so I guess I gotta figure out a way to do that. Oohh I'm excited!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I was RAOK'ed!!

I got a wonderful box chock full of big squares of felt. Thank you, kind stranger! I can not wait to start a new project with them. I've been aching to work with felt for a while. They put their address on the box (at least I hope it's the right address) so I can at least send them a thank you note. I'm one of those old fashioned people who think a gift whould always be followed by a thank you note. In fact, I have a few thank you notes and packages to send out this week. I've been a little late on stuff due to taking care of my mum. She's much better and has been back at work and what-not but she's still a bit weak/tired. Anyway...

I GOT MY SECRET PAL GIFT!!! I was blessed twice in one week, who would have known! I recieved quite a lot of roving, a drop spindle, 3 balls of DMC senso thread, some Burt's Bees foot stuff and Spin it! by someone who's name escapes me at the moment. I am so excited! I even began spinning some yarn already. Um...yeah I have a lot to learn hahaha. I know there is no such thing as scrap roving (because any of it can be spun into something) But I did to something nice with a tiny bit of roving I didn't know what to do with. Behold!

The Hoity Toity Roving Bracelet and Crown Charm
Because I'm a princess, yes I am.

By the way, SP, I don't know if you did it on purpose but you know the bigger peices of roving you gave me? The blue/green and the natural? Well the blue/green one matches my hair EXACTLY! Even the way it's blended looks like my hair. I can't wait to spin it up and maybe make myself a felted hat or something. And you know the natural one is just begging for dye :D

I feel so happy. I've only been at crochetville a month or two but I feel like if I've been there much much longer. It's wonderful.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

It's Taking Forever!

I've been under the weather and tiny bit depressed which is why I haven't been around as much. Plus it's Memorial Day weekend so I think I've also been lazy. I did get more progress done on the serephina. People, the next time I say "Ohh this shawl would look great done in a fine, thin yarn and small hook" please shoot me. I could have been done with this thing ages ago had I just conformed and used a WW or bulkier yarn. But nooooo I needed it to be unique. *sigh*

I have a package at the post!! I am hoping it's the threads from Jackie. It's been a 3 weeks or so and I feel so bad they're not here yet. Plus this has been my first real transaction on crochetville and I certainly hope it doesn't look like I'm conning someone hehehe. Jackie offered to resend my order out if it truly is lost which I think is very professional and extremely sweet of her. Let's hope it doesn't come to that and that the effing postman has it. Oh man, imagine if it was just sitting at the post office all this time?? I'll prolly find a doily inside the box with a note that says "Hey nice thread!! When are you getting more?? Love, the mailman." Bastard.

Yes, PMS makes women completely irrational.

Updating my WIP list now.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Winged Hair Kerchief

Winged Hair Kerchief

I got bored with regular kerchiefs so I added buillion stitches and shells along the edge. I like it!! Especially since it's bright orange. Bright colours, YUM!

I am in a good mood because my mum is home! YAY!!!! She's fine. I am so happy! She's taking a week or more off and I think we're gonna use the time to get her to rest and to look for a house. It should be fun.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Dyeing Dark Yarn



The colours are slightly of on my screen (the green should look much darker) but you get the point. I had a lot of fun dyeing...although the smell of the vinegar and kool-aid was enough to make me want to barf. Oy.

The doctor told me my mom has either a polyp or tumor in her colon. I actually don't even want to talk about it. I'm just so sad and lonely. I wish someone, anyone, was here with me. I got some yarn I'm aching to work with so I think I'll go spend time with my little brother and crochet something for my cville secret pal.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Can you see this?

Actually can I see this? I can I can!!

Update on my mom: She's back in the ER. :( They think it's an ovarian cyst. I'm trying to keep upbeat for my little brother but deep down I am scared sh-- well, you get the idea. Sigh. Send happy thoughts her way, eh? Thanks.

My mother is sick

She was rushed to the emergency room last night after being sick Friday and Saturday. So obviously, not much crafting going on...

Actually that's bullshit. Crafting is what I do when stressed so I actually crafted a lot. I'm just too beat to locate everything, scan, and share with the world at the moment. Will resume normal annoyances sometime today. Must sleep. Love, Tiggz.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Kari, I could kiss you


Kari, I love ya! Everyone go over to Kari's blog and give her a hi-five.She sent me yarn needles after reading my "My Empire for Yarn Needles" post. My poor FO's won't have to cry out "Knots! Knots! Those horrible knots!" Also, now I can weave in the ends on the Serefina shawl. Gracias again, Kari. This really really really means a lot to me.

Serefina Shawl-WIP

Serefina Shawl - Work In Progress

I've done about 5 rows since this pic was taken but I've still got a long long way to go. There is no way in hell I can finish it by mum's day. :'( Ahhh well. It's still pretty, right? The colour is a very nice green not the blueish/grey I see on my screen. My camera was running out of batteries and went nuts haha.

I think I'm going to lock myself in my bedroom with some Luna bars, a pitcher of lemonade and rice and beans until I finish this. I also need to send my aunts a gift in Florida. Oy!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Stewed Eggplant with Plantains

Verenjena Guisada con Platanos

I'm an awesome cook. This is a family recipe I feel like sharing. Cooking crafty right?


1 tblsp Goya Sofrito
1/4 cup of chopped green bell peppers
1/4 cup chopped yellow onions
1-2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 tblsp of olive oil
1 medium-large eggplant
4-6 green plantains (green bananas can be used too)
salt and pepper
1 envelope of Goya Sazon (con culantro y achiote)
1/4 cup of tomato sauce


Large skillet with cover (I just use whatever cover I find that fits or foil haha)
4 quart pot -or- pot big enough to place the chopped plantains/whole bananas in

*Please note that A) when it comes to ingredients my English is limited, hence the pictures B) I don't work for Goya, I swear lol. I just think they're the best national brand for hispanic cooking. C) If you don't use Goya, make sure to check the label. Actually check the label anyway. Some typical spanish spices and whatnot use lard (ick) and whatnot.


Peel the eggplant and slice it. Cut the slices in half. Set aside on a plate with a pinch or two of salt.

In the meantime saute the green peppers, onions and garlic for five minutes. Stir in the tablespoon of Sofrito and the packet of Sazon. Add the eggplant and saute for about a minute. Add 1 cup of water or more. You want it to just cover the top of the eggplant. Cover the skillet and set heat on low.

Put about 7 cups of water to boil with a tiny pinch of salt.
Peel the plantains. (Some people omit this step and simply boil the plantains with skins on. I grew up peeling platanos so it's easy peasy. If you find it hard, by all means skip the peeling. Also, if you use green bananas leave the skin on and drop them in the water whole) Cut each plantain into three pieces and drop into the boiling water. Boil for 30-40 mins or until tender.

In the meantime stir the eggplant occasionally. When it starts getting tender, raise the flame to medium and remove the cover. When a lot of the water is gone, add in the tomato sauce and stir. At this point you can taste it. If it's too flavourful, fear not: the platanos will balance the dish. If it's too bland, try another tablespoon of sofrito and some salt and pepper.

When the platanos are tender, remove from water and serve with the eggplant mixture spooned over.

This is REALLY tasty. My eggplant hating family loves this dish. It's the only time I can get eggplants on the dinner table. BTW the leftovers work well in a pita, with rice and beans, whatever. Also, I usually chop up whatever cooked platanos I have left over and toss them in the eggplant mixture. It's a quick and easy lunch the next day.

Joann's = Dangerous

Aluminum Crochet Hook Size D

Aluminum Crochet Hook Size G

Aluminum Crochet Hook Size F

Aluminum Crochet Hook Size H

Bernat-Animal Farm

Soft Boucle Yarn-Soft Rose

Satin Yarn-Sea Shell

Sugar'n Cream Cotton Yarn- Hot Orange

Sugar'n Cream Cotton Yarn- Hot Green

Sugar'n Cream Cotton Yarn- Hot Pink

Sugar'n Cream Cotton Yarn- Hot Blue

Sugar'n Cream Cotton Ombre Yarn-Playtime

Red Heart Super Saver Yarn 8 oz Black (3)

Simply Soft Brites Yarn-Blue Mint

Simply Soft Brites Yarn-Limelight

Simply Soft Brites Yarn-Papaya

Simply Soft Brites Yarn-Watermelon

Satin Yarn-Ebony

Satin Yarn-Crimson

Spending Money I Don't Have
Evidence Exhibit 1

Guess what was the one thing I forgot to buy?? I'll give you a hint. Look at my "My Empire for a Yarn Needle" post. Yep. Forgot the damn yarn needle. *mutters* I also didn't get one thing on my wishlist. D'OH! Oh and I did make that kercheif I said I wasn't going to make. I am sooo sooo bad.

Really I blame Drew. Yes, blame you Drew. You and those dishcloths! I wanted cotton yarn...darn you Drew!
And when I say "darn you" I really mean thank you for being so inspiring. :) Same goes for all the other blogs I read. You people rock the casbah.

Monday, May 02, 2005

I had a vision

Caron Simply Soft. Legwarmers. Watermelon and Limelight. Stripes. *pulls out credit card*

You know I blame you guys right? You fellow crocheters and Crochetville people? Yeah, it's all your fault. Totally.

Train of Thought

I've GOT to finish that Serefina shawl. I must. I can't no...must have it done for Mother's Day. I must...I...*surfs internet* Oooh that's a cool kercheif pattern...NO! No I must finish Serefina. *eats cereal* NO! No no eating. Must finish...OWW! Stupid wool! *grabs Band-Aid* Okay, I gotta finish this now. 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc, must repeat that in my...Ohhh mohair...I forgot I had this in my stash. This would make a great-NO! Bad bad bad. Must finish shawl! Ohhhhh pretty beads! No! NO! Danger Will Robinson! Danger danger!! hdsoifhdosfhosdhfosdhfosdhfohsf!! AHHHH!


I'm okay.

3 dc, ch2, 3 dc. 3 dc, ch2, 3 dc. 3 dc, ch2, 3 dc. 3 dc, ch2, 3 dc. 3 dc, ch2, 3 dc. 3 dc, ch2, 3 dc....Ohhhh so that's where my sketchpad was...

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Wool Hurts

Oh my poor fingers. Oh. Oh. Ow. Oh. Yes, this is the first time I work with wool. I think I need band-aids.

So I found a UFO in some bag in my closet. It's a very early project:. I can tell because the sides are uneven. Because it's stripped I didn't want to frog it. Doing so would give me a few inches of yarn of each colour. Also, I think (THINK) it might have been a scarf but I did it in Caron SS and Red Heart together and holy shiitake, it's HEAVY! So, I decided to turn the mystery project into yet another bag. It came out better than the first, if I do say so myself. I just hope it's not too heavy to carry!

I'll post pics of it tommorrow.

Also, I am currently making little crocheted monsters and aliens. Plus, I picked up the knitting needles again. More on that tomorrow. Right now, I'm heading to bed.

Thursday, April 28, 2005


I'll be making a few things for charities and my first project will be a piggy for Brendan.

After that I'll make a few squares for Heart Made blessings. I'm afraid I'll screw them up somehow or something. But it'll be for a good cause and I'm sure it can't be that hard. no need to make it an impressive square either. A regular granny works fine, right? Right!

I've been very blessed and while my childhood has been...rough I guess, the generousity of other made growing up in the bronx a pretty good experience overall. I'd like to give some of that happiness back now.

Two more things to add to my WIP list. I blame Crochetville. Yes I do <3

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

My Empire For A Needle

Seriously, you heard it here first folks! I will give my entire empire* to the first person to get me a yarn needle or anything else I can weave in ends with.

My agoraphobia has really been on the fritz lately and all the LYS/craft stores are far from me. And I don't want to place an order somewhere just for a yarn needle. Sigh. I need to find somewhere to get one. Any ideas? I miss the plastic one I used to have. Sadly my aunt took it with her when she moved to Florida so now all my current projects have little ends sticking out or worse, *gulp* KNOTS. Oh heavens no!!

So I say again: My empire and my love to the first person who has an idea.

Note: My empire consists of 3 crazy cats, 2 dogs, 2 fish, 3 birds, 1 turtle, a few scraps of yarn, a copy of Edward Scissorhands, some beads, and all the cool crafts seen on this blog. Republicans need not apply (HAH! Kidding, kidding!).

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Meredith Necklace (WIP)

Meredith Necklace

I'll take a better scan (the chain twisted in this one) and give a description when she's done. She looks better when actually on someone. I think she's a beauty.

Monday, April 25, 2005

The Granny Square

My First Granny Square

*Wipes tear from eye* You go out and buy yarn and then it grows up and gets all square on you. I'm so proud. *sniffle* Seriously though, I think it came out quite nice for my first square! It probably would have come out a lot better if I had used instructions but I'm a rebel. I don't conform! Anarchy!! FIGHT THE MAN!

Ooo muffins! *chomps*

Yarn I received today:
From Sandra:
  • 10 skeins of sport weight wool in a dusty green colour (3377 yards)
  • 20 skeins of Cleckheaton 5 ply sport weight wool in a bright green colour (1600 yards)
From Ginger:
  • Chenile yarn in periwinkle/purple (120 yards)
  • Merino yarn in a moss green colour (240 yards)
  • Unknown fiber in a buff colour (60 yards)
  • Wool yarn in oxford grey (240)
  • Rayon crinkle yarn, bright white (240 yards)
All in all I spent 27 dollars (that includes shipping). Man, I love buying yarn...and eBay. Couldn't do it without eBay. I like buying small amounts of yarn for my secret project. Yeah, the SECRET project. The project I'm going to spill now to my wonderful readers:

I'm crocheting curtains! Freestyle curtain! Not an exciting to you but it's exciting to me. See, we're moving to Florida in July and I am looking forward to changing my room around. Right now it's very zen-like: all purples and silvers, lots of stones and plants, a meditation table...
All that stuff is great and will likely stay but this time I want COLOUR! My walls will be blue so I want some nice, unique curtains to go along with it. So yes, freeform curtains are the way to go. Maybe I'll even make a granny square bedspread for when it gets cool. *ponders*

Oh and I must apologize for my stupidity. A few days ago I made a long entry and blogger ate it. When I reposted I forgot to say Thank You to Mantler from Crochetville. She sent me a gift certificate to Adagio Teas which just made my day. I still haven't used it but only because I don't know what to buy! If anyone has any favourites or suggestions let me know.

I just found out I have 6 subscribers to my blog. :D *waves* Ya'll come back now, you hear?

Finger Crochet

How to Finger Crochet/Knit

Now I'm sure everyone knows how to do this. The instructions will probably be more confusing and complicated than the actual task. :-p Still, I'm going to try to explain it as best as I can.

Basically you wrap the yarn around your index and middle fingers in a figure 8. Truly this is finger knitting because you pull the older, lower loops overthe higher newer loops...but I like crochet better so there!
Also, this looks best with thicker yarns or two or three strand worked as one. I'm demonstrating with Caron Simply Soft for clarity.
1) Place the loose end of the yarn on the back of your hand. The end connected to the skein will be in your palm. The yarn should be between your middle and ring finger.


2) Bring the yarn up and between your middle finger and index finger


3) Wrap the yarn around index finger. The yarn will now be between your index and middle finger. You now have one loop around each finger.


4) Bring yarn over middle finger so that it's lying in your palm again.

Repeat above steps (2 and 3) so you now have two loops on each finger. The loose end should still be at the back of your hand while the end connected to the skein should be in your palm again

(view of back of hand)


5) Now here's the fun part! You'll be working looking at the back of your hand now.

Pull the bottom loops (the ones you made first) up and off your finger.

(see the lower loop?)

(pulling the lower loop over the top one)

(and pulling it completetly off the finger. YAY!)


6) Repeat the steps to make another loop on each finger. As always, the loose end should be at the back of your hand and the end connected to the skein should be in your palm between your middle and ring finger.

Repeat the process five times or so. Now take the loose end and bring it down to your palm. Give it a nice pull so the end tightens a bit. Continue finger knitting until you get the length you desire. It should look like this:

Now, that doesn't look like much but when you use a nice thick yarn (or more than one strand of worsted weight) you get a nice looking thick chain. Make a few chains and tie them togerther in random places (or don't tie them at all) to make an ultra cool scarf.

To finish a chain, pull it off your fingers. Knot it at the top and bottom with an over-hand knot (I usually do two to make sure it doesn't come apart in the wash or anything). Trim the ends.

Tigger modeling my Finger Knitted scarf I call "Floozey"

This scarf is made of five chains. Each chain is made up of one strand Lion Brand Terryspun (discontinued :( ) and one strand regular worsted weight yarn (forgot the name but I'm 92% sure it was Red Heart).

Hope you found this tutorial easy and fun. I wrote this up at 2am so I might be unclear. If you have any questions or comments, comment here or email me at JESilfa @